Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sunday, February 22, 2009
The Shaved Head Phenomenon

My whole life I've associated balding with old age. Because I'm not attracted to old men, I've never liked a shaved head on a male. (Old men being of an age that I will not specify; 35 years-old is not old, persay.) However, a close female mentor of mine once said, "It doesn't matter about the hair. The person is either attractive or they're not. It's all in the face." Regardless if our face is still in tact, the fear of losing our hair, to be bald, as men this is hard for us to handle.
Some men grow a beard when they shave their head. Personally, I feel all the proportions are wrong when facial hair is paired with a shiny head. Seeing as this article is a reflection of my internal fears that one day I will be bald, I have come-up with steps men in their twenties can take to prevent or cope with natural balding patterns.
- Propecia: A prescription pill that prevents balding and actually increases hair growth. While this drug sounds like a wonder pill, not only does it cause abnormal hair growth in certain areas, it decreases your libido. A decreased libido? I'd rather live with no hair on my body.
- Zinc: Increased levels of Zinc in males is proven to reduce hair loss. Centrum Silver, rather than Centrum A-Z, actually has increased levels of Zinc and recommended on certain websites that obsess about premature hair loss.
- Rogaine: An expensive but effective way to prevent hair loss so long as you have the kind of hair loss that it helps prevent -- the one that balds at the top of your head. Rogaine has no effect on a receding hairline. At $50 a bottle, the shampoo/foam is effective; however, the moment you stop using the product, your hair starts falling-out again.
- A hat: Wearing a hat out is an excellent way to hide a balding pattern. However, if you're someone like myself, anyone wearing a hat more than once in my presence (socially) is automatically categorized as potentially being bald. While a hat might make you look younger, be careful that it doesn't label you as the bald man trying to hide the inevitable.
- The comb over: My middle school band teacher was the master of this failed illusion. Never, I mean never, attempt to "successfully" pull-off the comb over. This is not possible. While you may be able to fool yourself in the mirror, everyone else knows the truth: you're bald.
- The bald on top and hair on the side: This is what your hair looks like at it's most natural state. It's just okay. This is where the gay card comes into play and the hair is all shaved off. And yet, if you choose not to shave off all your hair, be careful when dyeing the little hair that you have on your head. Remember, when you dye the hair on the the top of your head, you should also color your eyebrows.
- L'Oreal Vive Pro Daily Thickening Shampoo: I use this shampoo because it makes me feel better about my situation. I highly doubt this does anything, by the fact that I feel better after I shampoo -- every other day to prevent excessive drying -- is enough to make me a repeat customer for the $4.00 shampoo.
- Hair dryer: Buddies, I know you think hair dryers are for women, but really, they give your hair body. It goes a long way when covering a receding hairline. You should blow dry your hair whenever you get out of the shower.
As I get older and learn more about the male body, I'm forced to begin embracing that balding is a fact of life. Like everything else, it should be embraced. And yet, perhaps it's like the wrinkles that are potentially forming around my temples or on my brow line; I fear that old age is around the corner. Why is it that I fear ageing? These questions and so many more will keep me entertained for hours.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Expressing interest

Each day I come across someone I fancy. My coworker, Laura, thinks I'm boy crazy -- aka horny. Let's get one thing straight: I'm always horny. Now that we got that out of the way, let's get back to the issue at hand. When I meet someone random (and in person) that I like, how do I show interest? How do you engage with someone when you like them? And, when I say “like” I’m referring to interested in pursuing a relationship beyond hooking-up for one night. I wish I had the answer. Unfortunately, the only place I feel truly confident is behind a keyboard or on my Blackberry. I can formulate sentences until the day is gone; get me face-to-face with someone I like, suddenly I’m talking about how the weather in San Francisco is only fair today. It’s incredible, the power of emotion that is.
Even though I remain single, I’ve learned a lot about courting perspective partners. First of all, there’s absolutely nothing you can do to control the way they think. There’s a million reasons why someone doesn’t want to be with you, so don’t take it personally. Gay men are complicated and hardly rational. You can be the most amazing catch ever, but if the person is feeling bitchy, there’s nothing you can do. And trust me, gay men can be bitchy. Bitchier than a mean girl, well, the judges are still out on that one.
The best thing you can do is confront the person that you like. Take Jeffrey, the cute boy who checks people in at the gym. He always smiles at me when I talk to him – and in that way that says “I like you. Let’s go get drinks and have fun!” Each time he looks at me, I automatically look at the ground. It’s incredible how at such a crucial moment, a time where eye contact is key, I choose to look at the ground. Why do we do these things?
Another example is my amazingly attractive and incredibly built yoga instructor. For those of you who haven’t had the pleasure of watching me perform yoga, well, you’re not missing much. I’m not very good and I laugh at everything. Regardless, there was only 7 of us in the class and we were making eye contact. Amazingly, he ends up having the locker right next to mine. Fate, I know. What do I say? Nothing. I’m a deaf mute that begins wondering if the super gay yoga instructor is in fact gay. Then, when I convince myself that he’s gay, I shy away thinking that he’s clearly taken. This type of thinking, this over-analysis, it gets me nowhere. Nevertheless, each time I reflect on these experiences, I learn how pathetic we homosexuals socially interact.
When it comes to showing interest in one another, gay men are only good at expressing sexual desire. I spend more time dodging sexual advances from gay men who know what they want...SEX! However, when it comes to sharing emotional feelings, feelings about what makes us laugh, these are all lost. As gay men, all we’re good at is reverting back to being the sexual animals that we are.
I'm clearly commenting on how I see the world. However, the conclusions I've made are hardly based on only my personal experiences. Just look at the gay people you know out there, think hard on how they show interest in someone they like. In a strange way, I feel like we've reverted to being middle school girls. Of course, that's an entirely different bag of worms. Until then, the next time you see someone you like, make it count. For those of us like myself who continue to struggle with the physical world, need not worry, online communication is still very much alive.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Steaming Without Being Steamy

Friday, February 13, 2009
Preserving Your Luck on Friday the 13th

- Do not walk under any ladders.
- Avoid black cats walking perpendicular to your direction. If the cat walks along a building, parallel to your direction, this is not unlucky.
- Avoid opening umbrellas indoors. It's going to be a rainy weekend, but opening umbrellas -- in some cultures, like Ireland -- is considered bad luck.
- It's best you don't touch any mirrors today. However, if you do break a mirror, run the broken pieces under water and you'll be saved from any potential bad luck.
- Be sure to look the other person in the eye during a toast. If you don't, this leads to bad sex for the rest of your life.
- Pick-up as many pennies as possible.
- Horseshoes are wonderful.
- Four leaf clovers are your best friend.
- Watch Lindsay Lohan in "Just My Luck".
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Sneezing etiquette

- Someone around you sneezes. Your response: "Bless You."
- Someone sneezes for a second time around you. Your response: Nothing.
Just because someone is horribly sick does not mean they deserve a "Bless you" response to every germ infested blow of air. Unfortunately, some people say "Bless you" to every single sneeze. This is not only annoying, it's unnecessary.
This is what Wikipedia has to say about the history of why we say "Bless You":
- Preventing the soul from departing one's body and getting snatched by evil spirits lurking nearby.
- Preventing possible impending death due to a lethal disease such as the plague pandemics of the fourteenth century.
- Guarding against evil spirits entering the body through the open mouth of a sneezing individual.
- Attempting to bring the sneezing individual back from the brink of death in the brief moment during the sneeze when the heart was -incorrectly- believed to skip a beat, leaving the sneezer momentarily in limbo between states of living and death.
- The belief that the individual is sneezing out evil spirits which had taken residence within the body, and is thus in need of the blessing to prevent the exorcised spirits from re-entering the body.
- The belief that the individual is sneezing out his or her sins, and thus is deserving of the blessing bestowed upon him or her by those around.
- A polite way of congratulating the sneezer for his or her impending good luck as signalled by the sneeze.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Monday, February 9, 2009
Underground SF
Video footage from "Drunk and Horny" -- the party that takes place every Saturday night at Underground SF.
Interesting personalities

White coals

Sea Scallops

Friday, February 6, 2009
Tunnel Top

Fire and Clowns Don't Mix

Thursday, February 5, 2009
Unpractical Lighting
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
You're Fired! But Your Outfit's Great
You’re Fired! But Your Outfit’s Great
By Ben Widdicombe
Everett Collection Hi, Peter. What’s happening? We need to talk about your TPS reports.
Tough times make for tough fashion choices, but none more difficult than what to wear on the day you get the chop. Sometimes it can be an excuse for a fashion moment — like Marie Antoinette, who famously wore all white to the guillotine. (Contemporaries noted her ramrod bearing and hair turned snowy white from stress, like a stately Carmen del’Orifice on a one-way trip off the end of the catwalk.) Others, like the recently terminated Village Voice fashion writer Lynn Yaeger, feel that they missed their chance to make a sartorial exit statement.“With advanced warning, I could have done an outfit,” she told a reporter from the New York Observer after parting from her employer of 30 years. “For me, a shredded Comme des Garçons look or a more sober gothic nun sort of thing would have been more appropriate.”
Only a few short years ago, bright young things all over the country were talking about what to wear to the revolution. Dot-com dollars made the college-slacker look positively aspirational: even middle-aged executives were slouching into the office in jeans and a hoodie, trying to look like they belonged to some Seattle frat house with the initials I.P.O.
These days, it’s all about what to wear to the execution. Somehow those scuffed Chucks don’t seem so ironic if your employment trajectory might actually include working at Foot Locker.
The perfect termination outfit should feature professionalism and employability as the top note, but with accents of confidence and an aftertaste that leaving the premises means moving on up. A sober suit with a bright shirt is perfect.
It is also important, when anticipating bad news, not to wear a favorite piece of clothing, which will forever be associated with an unpleasant memory. Is there a pair of shoes in the back of your closet, still brand new after a year because they never quite fit? Today’s their day to shine.
I have some personal experience with this particular fashion challenge. In mid-January my contract with a national magazine was due for renewal, and amid sharp cutbacks I had no illusions that I would be kept on board.
That day I decided to steer a middle course between Yaeger and the ill-fated Queen of France: nothing too funereal, but maybe not carefree winter white, either. For me that was a 10-year-old Brooks Brothers charcoal suit, which for all its fussing and tailoring has never hung quite right. (Also — pleated trousers! What was I thinking?) But it is a fine suit to be fired in, as well as for court dates and weddings you don’t really want to be at. An optimistic blue Dolce & Gabbana shirt completed the ensemble.
Of course, things have a way of turning out not quite as expected.
As I had imagined it, I would get the bad news in person after making a work-related call at the midtown studios of Fox News Channel. But at 1 p.m., just after I had entered a restroom in the News Corporation building, my phone rang. I was terminated in a brief, cordial chat with my editor. It was only a minute later, after I had hung up the phone, that I thought to mumble to myself alone in the men’s room, “But what did you think of the suit?”
Let us know, in the comments section below, what you would wear to cause a termination sensation. Would you get suited to get booted, or take a more casually disdainful approach?
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Unemployment and martinis

Yoga in Dolores Park

Sick as a dog and still golden
So this was probably the most amazing three day weekend I ever had. Sure, I was sick on Friday -- I had one of those virus type head colds -- but with the proper medicine in my system, I was good as gold. The following is my over the counter recipe for dealing with head colds:
Morning:- Mucinex 12 hour pills -- take one in the morning with 2 glasses of water (I guess the medicine does not work without lots of water in your system.)
- Day Quill -- Two in the morning, and two every 4 hours after that
- Claritin D -- after providing a photo ID to obtain the controlled substance, take one in the morning and it will keep you congested free for 24 hours
- Advil -- Take as needed for sore throat
- EmergenC -- 1 packet every 2 hours throughout the day.
Bed time:
- Tylenol PM -- 2 glorious pills before going to bed
- NyQuil -- Two of these before going to bed as well
- Benadryl -- Oh what the hell, 2 of these can't hurt before going to bed...
Sure, when I told my boss what I was taking before going to bed she mentioned that I might be uncomfortably close to pulling a Heath Ledger. But you know what? It was 65 - 70 degrees this weekend and I was sure as hell not staying inside. The worst part is that for the first time in my life I had to pay for all these medicines out of my own pocket! Oh well, beats being sick in the East Coast ice storm.