Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Next Generation of Event Decor

With the 4 city Macy's Passport Presents Glamorama fashion show tour only months away, we are in high event planning season. This is the time when some of the most creative and innovative ideas are suggested by vendors from around the world.

Below is a technology we were interested in utilizing in Los Angles to be projected on the face of the California Market Center. The images come to life in 3D -- imagine the possibilities!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The politics of growing-up

I recently approached a path in my life where I’m forced to choose a direction of which way to go next. Perhaps I grew up too quickly or it’s just that life truly is this complicated. Regardless of the reasons, I'm optimistic for the future and excited for the possibilities.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Academy of Friends 2010 Oscars Party

Last Sunday, during the Oscars, I had the privilege of attending another iconic event in San Francisco: The Academy of Friends Annual Gala. "Behind the Seams: A Salute to Fashion In Film" took place on Sunday, March 7, 2010 in the Festival Pavilion at the Fort Mason Center. AOF's annual gala is a black tie event that I was excited to finally witness first hand.

This is Derek volunteering to be a gold Oscars statue.

This is the group that I attended the event with. David Miranda, to the left of the women in the gold dress, was this year's Gala Chair. Well done David!

This was the entrance to the VIP lounge. Winslow & Associates ( was the production company that executed the event on site. I don't know whose idea the zipper was...but job well done!

Consistent with the theme, mannequins in vintage clothing showed off different outfits used in films throughout history.

I don't who this person is, but he's attractive and worth capturing on a blog.

So glamorous!

Me with the Macy's team -- post and present. I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of these...

For more information and to donate to The Academy of Friends:

Monday, March 1, 2010

I’m gay, but I still want to go to church.

Why would a gay man attend church on a Sunday morning in San Francisco? Like the generations that came before us, I'm entertaining the idea of a possible higher power and hopefully a source of strength. I'm not sure exactly what "spiritual" feels like, but being the emotional thrill seeker that I am, it's worth exploring -- if anything for one hour on a Sunday morning. There's that, and also that going home with random attractive men you meet at a gay bar in the Castro is emotionally limiting at best.

This past Sunday I attended the morning worship service at Cornerstone Church on 17th Street. The religious experience at Cornerstone felt like a progressive high school social studies class. The sanctuary has movie theatre style seating, easy to read flat screens and fun lighting. The service begins with a five-person band (complete with a drummer) that sing contemporary Christian worship music. Singing is totally optional, but after a song or two, if you’re like me, you join the group because it's fun to sing out loud. What's more, the spiritual leader utilizes Google maps and satellite images of Israel to bring the whole interactive experience full circle.

It’s difficult to textualize where I am today in my spiritual walk with a higher power. However, I am trying, exploring, and looking for something that I can’t quite define. I’ll know when I’ve found what it is I’m looking for; until then, I remain open minded and open to suggestions.

Monday, January 25, 2010

The SF Ballet Opening Night Party

Amidst an otherwise dreary evening of San Francisco rain in January, I found myself at the opening night of the San Francisco ballet. Let me clarify, I wasn't at the actual ballet performance, I was at the after party -- looking at the decor. City Hall, where the party took place, is one of the possible venues that The Macy's Parade & Entertainment Group is looking at for the after party of the SF Passport Presents Glamorama fashion show. Macy's Inc., being my current employer, is why I was invited to the party.

The decor was stunning. The food: horrible. Having previously worked for McCall's (the catering company that put on the event) I was embarrassed that upon eating the sushi I contemplated what I would do if I got nauseous due to food poisoning. What's more, on more than one occasion I vogued for McCall's to replace Taste Catering as the Passport catering company – clearly my opinions were out of post-college pubescent loyalty to a good paying employer. 

To the defense of the catering world, it was 10pm and McCall's did put on a sit down dinner prior to the ballet performance. Therefore, food wasn't a priority at 10pm; alcohol was -- and McCall's effectively got the room intoxicated. After all, I did spend most of my catering days as a bartender for McCall's and it was an enjoyable work experience.

Aside from the food and decor of the event, the people in attendance: swanky. The dresses were over the top and Waspy alcoholic men were at every corner. My amazing date and coworker, Jen Lu, was quick to the dance floor where dancing in an overly decorated City Hall corner couldn't be more fun.

Consistent with my mission at any major event, I met a boy. I've always thought of high-end events as a filtering mechanism for the rif raf often found at douchebag bars. I went to the party to enjoy myself while expanding my knowledge of acceptable event decor schemes -- especially given today's grueling budget conscious event environment. The 29 year old boy, "Matthew", was an exciting addition to the evening -- let's hope something becomes of the phone numbers that were exchanged. Even then, I'm happy to say that I'm more optimistic of San Francisco's gay scene since having met a beautiful boy at the ballet opening night party. For those of you still getting to know me, realty is clouded as I attempt to live a hopeless romantic fairy tale called event planning.

Until next time: